On KFPS invitation the Russian Friesian Association delegation traditionally attended the Netherlands again at the beginning of January. We took part in the conference of foreign KFPS associations and in the meeting of WFHO members. Also we watched the unforgettable performance called «Stallion Show», which included inspection of the best stallions of the Friesian breed.
This was our third year of visiting this show, but I’m still amazed by the scope and incredible punctuality of the event. All horses were in perfect condition, tack and harness were ideally matched and decorated by the farms logos. Champions and winners were greeted in the standing position and awarded with thunderous applause. The stands were filled to capacity. The guests and audience were standing in passageways and on each side of the stands in several rows. The attendance was so overwhelming, it gave us the impression that a population of a small country came to WTC Expo.
Breeders showed their young horses, and also hailed their aged studs which effected development of the breed the most. During the first two days of the show the best young stallions competed for the chance to be registered in the Friesian breed Studbook. Following the hard struggle, only 34 of 80 stallions selected in the first round at the end of the year 2010 moved onto the second round. After the third round only 23 premier stallions made the final list.
Those stallions which did not pass the selection process, continued onto their athletic careers. Next year visitors of the show will probably see some of them again. The lucky horses which passed all three rounds of judging and were selected by the jury will be allowed to take efficiency tests this year. They will also go through a more careful veterinary inspection as only the perfectly healthy horse (by X-ray results, semen quality etc.) can be the Friesian stud. The very best of the horses which passed with test results of not less than a score of 77, will get the KFPS license for breeding of a number of mares. If the results of the offspring inspections don’t confirm good qualities of a stallion, the license can be revoked.
At the end of the young stallions’ judging we watched a long and colorful night show. It included the following episodes: show of driving Friesian horses to saddle, 30 minutes dressage seminar, traditional Frisland carts show, video trip of the Friesian horses across different countries... Besides there was a dynamic competition of sports turnouts in a small indoor arena — the battle between Okkema and Chardon teams.
So the selection is over but the Show must go on. On the last day there was again a judging but this time among the licensed stallions. Runners presented several dozens of the best horses of the breed — a visible presentation of goals and objectives of the new time Friesian stud farming. Again the jury selected the best horses (up to 13 years old) in each introduced group which are worthy to compete with each other for the Stallions Inspection Champion title. The following horses reached the finals: Andries 415, Aan 416, Harmen 424, Haitse 425, Gjalt 426, Jerke 434, Maurus 441, Maurits 437, Pier 448, Norbert 444, Anders 451, Uldrik 457, Tsjalle 454, Wimer 461, and Wytse 462. Judges selected the top three — Uldrik 457, Tsjalle 454, and Anders 451. One more round of hand-trot was performed. Neither the audience nor judges had doubts that Uldrik 457 is the Champion the second year repeatedly. The unique high and balanced trot allowed him to move his peer Tsjalle 454 to the place of the Vice-Champion.
Uldrik 457, Champion in 2010 and 2011 Photo courtesy of de Nieuwe Heuvel |
The Show was attended by 18 delegations from the countries — KFPS members. In the course of the Meeting of foreign associations we discussed issues that are questioned by most Friesian communities outside the Netherlands. Everybody has the same main problems: low foaling by artificial insemination with frozen semen, as well as the need of a more careful (probably, total) inspection and origin proof of foals (DNA test). We have noticed that there are the same issues in Russia that are enlarged by complications in getting DNA material (hair) delivery to the Netherlands, as biologicals are not subject to post mailing as well as it is impossible to import semen from the Netherlands legally. EC associations’ representatives emotionally declared about distress of the Friesian horses’ lovers in the most of European countries. When people buy young growth or mares in foal in the Netherlands they often face fraud, since the horses origin data are not checked in laboratory without fail. Suffice it to mention the recent scandal with the stallion Rypke 321. Its scope is amazing but the story is not unique. The KFPS Director Mr. Ids Hellinga answered that however the Studbook is not ready for general testing of all foals to be born, especially since the Dutch breeders don’t want to bear additional expenses for the foals’ examination, the work for improving control of the registration is in progress.
Though KFPS assure that the error probability now is only 1% we kindly ask the Russian breeders and horse lovers to take a very responsible approach to DNA testing and if possible examine DNA of all foals to be born.
The present KFPS policy in relation to breeding permits has been changed. Starting from this year these permits are not extended for stallions in EU, and new permits will not be issued anymore. It is considered that for EU countries semen of the studs located in the Netherlands is fully accessible. The European associations representatives were upset by this fact. Upset because they know quite well that without the Studbook proved stallions in their country owners will prefer to breed a simpler stallion to their dams. For example: they may use a not proved and inspected stud from the nearest farm without taking care about the offspring quality. Eventually it may result in decline of population and degeneration of the Friesian horse-breeding in EU outside the Netherlands. This innovation didn’t affect Russia. Jerke van Coudenburgh has got the extension of the breeding licence for the year 2011.
On the meeting of the countries — members of WFHO two very interesting presentations of foreign associations existing more than 10 years — Denmark and Italy — have been arranged. Also, we’ve been reported with welcome news: starting from the year 2011 the KFPS members outside EU will become free from the need to pay VAT for some Studbook service.
During the meeting of our delegation with Drs. D. Willemsma and Joke Miedema we reached the agreement about further cooperation of the Russian Friesian Association (RFA) and KFPS.
Galina Chernyavskaya, RFA Director |